Herb Chheang

Herb Chheang

Evil web nerd. Extreme student. Passionate coffee junkie. Lifelong food expert. Wannabe social media junkie. Total bacon enthusiast.

46 Author´s Articles
Unlocking the Secrets of Forensic Dentistry: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlocking the Secrets of Forensic Dentistry: A Comprehensive Guide

The importance of dental identification is growing each year, and the role of forensic dentistry is becoming increasingly ...

Becoming a Forensic Odontologist: A Comprehensive Guide

Becoming a Forensic Odontologist: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you interested in becoming a forensic odontologist? Forensic odontology is a specialized field of dentistry that...

Using DNA Analysis to Identify Victims and Suspects: A Forensic Odontologist's Expert Perspective

Using DNA Analysis to Identify Victims and Suspects: A Forensic Odontologist's Expert Perspective

Forensic dentistry is a highly specialized field that requires a meticulous eye for detail and the ability to work slowly ...

Scholarships for Forensic Odontology: What You Need to Know

Scholarships for Forensic Odontology: What You Need to Know

Are you interested in pursuing a career in forensic odontology? If so, you may be wondering if there are any scholarships ...

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a branch of forensic science that focuses on the identification of individuals based on their...

What is the Difference Between Forensic Odontology and Dentistry?

What is the Difference Between Forensic Odontology and Dentistry?

Forensic dentistry, also known as forensic odontology, is the application of dental knowledge to the criminal justice...

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Systemic health, diet, habits, geography, and even social behavior can be revealed by studying teeth. Dentistry has also...

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a critical part of criminal investigations, providing invaluable help in recognizing victims,...

Unlocking the Power of DNA in Forensic Odontology: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlocking the Power of DNA in Forensic Odontology: A Comprehensive Guide

The power of DNA has been utilized in forensic research for its unique properties. These molecules are able to withstand...

A Comprehensive Guide to Fellowships in Forensic Odontology

A Comprehensive Guide to Fellowships in Forensic Odontology

Are you looking for a fellowship in forensic odontology? If so, you've come to the right place. Forensic odontology is a...

A Comprehensive Guide to Online Courses in Forensic Odontology

A Comprehensive Guide to Online Courses in Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the analysis of dental evidence to solve...

Unveiling the Power of Forensic Odontology in Identifying Disaster Victims

Unveiling the Power of Forensic Odontology in Identifying Disaster Victims

The importance of forensic dentistry in recognizing victims of disasters is immeasurable. According to the Disaster...

What is the Job Outlook for Forensic Odontologists?

What is the Job Outlook for Forensic Odontologists?

Forensic odontology is a specialized branch of dentistry that involves the application of dental knowledge to legal...

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the use of teeth and oral structures for...

Who is the Most Famous Forensic Odontologist? A Look at the Pioneers of Forensic Dentistry

Who is the Most Famous Forensic Odontologist? A Look at the Pioneers of Forensic Dentistry

The practice of forensic dentistry has been around for centuries, but it wasn't until the late 20th century that it began ...

Is Forensic Odontology and Forensic Dentistry the Same? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Forensic Odontology and Forensic Dentistry the Same? A Comprehensive Guide

Forensic dentistry, also known as forensic odontology, is the application of dental science to the criminal justice...

Unveiling the Different Types of Tests Used to Analyze Dental Evidence in Court

Unveiling the Different Types of Tests Used to Analyze Dental Evidence in Court

Forensic dentistry is a field of dentistry that focuses on the use of teeth and oral structures for identification in a...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Forensic Dentistry

Unlocking the Mysteries of Forensic Dentistry

Forensic dentists are medical professionals who use their expertise to analyze bite marks, orofacial structures, and...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Forensic Odontology: How Dental Evidence Solves Crimes

Unlocking the Mysteries of Forensic Odontology: How Dental Evidence Solves Crimes

Forensic odontology is a specialized field of dentistry that applies dental evidence to criminal and civil law. It is...

The Rise of Forensic Dentistry: From Ancient Rome to the Present Day

The Rise of Forensic Dentistry: From Ancient Rome to the Present Day

In the trial of John Webster, Dr. Parkman's dentist identified the teeth as part of the maxillary and mandibular dentures ...

Unveiling the Mysteries of Forensic Odontology in Solving Crimes

Unveiling the Mysteries of Forensic Odontology in Solving Crimes

Forensic dentists are highly knowledgeable in dental anatomy and use a variety of methods such as x-rays, pathology,...

Unveiling the Role of Forensic Odontology in Identifying Victims of War Crimes

Unveiling the Role of Forensic Odontology in Identifying Victims of War Crimes

Forensic odontology, also known as forensic dentistry, is a field of science that enables dentists to participate in and...

Uncovering the Professional Organizations Dedicated to Forensic Odontology

Uncovering the Professional Organizations Dedicated to Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on the analysis of dental evidence to help police...

Unlocking the Secrets of Forensic Odontology: How Bite Marks Help Solve Crimes

Unlocking the Secrets of Forensic Odontology: How Bite Marks Help Solve Crimes

When a crime involves a victim being bitten by an assailant, forensic odontology can be used to help identify the...

Unveiling Disaster Victims with Forensic Odontology

Unveiling Disaster Victims with Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology (FO) is a dependable and cost-effective scientific approach for recognizing victims in mass disasters ...

What Does a Forensic Dentist Do? An Expert's Perspective

What Does a Forensic Dentist Do? An Expert's Perspective

Forensic dentists are highly experienced and specially trained professionals who use their expertise to help identify...

Uncovering the Mysteries of Forensic Odontology: An Expert's Perspective

Uncovering the Mysteries of Forensic Odontology: An Expert's Perspective

Forensic odontology is a complex and fascinating branch of forensic science that focuses on the identification of...

Uncovering the Relationship between Forensic Dentistry and Dental Specialties

Uncovering the Relationship between Forensic Dentistry and Dental Specialties

This study aimed to uncover the relationship between forensic dentistry and various dental specialties in articles...

Becoming a Forensic Odontologist: What Qualifications Do You Need?

Becoming a Forensic Odontologist: What Qualifications Do You Need?

Becoming a forensic odontologist requires a Doctor of Dental Science (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree....

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology: How Dental Evidence Identifies Victims

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology: How Dental Evidence Identifies Victims

Forensic odontology is a branch of dentistry that specializes in the identification of deceased persons. It is mainly...

7 Famous Cases of Forensic Odontology: Uncovering the Mysteries of the Past

7 Famous Cases of Forensic Odontology: Uncovering the Mysteries of the Past

Forensic odontology, or forensic dentistry, is a practice that has been used for centuries to identify the deceased and...

What Does a Forensic Odontologist Do? - An Expert's Perspective

What Does a Forensic Odontologist Do? - An Expert's Perspective

Forensic dentistry is a field of work that requires an extensive knowledge of dental science. It is mainly used to...

The Essential Role of Forensic Odontology in Mass Disasters

The Essential Role of Forensic Odontology in Mass Disasters

When it comes to identifying victims in mass disasters, forensic odontology (FO) is one of the most reliable and...

What is the Difference Between Dentists and Odontologists?

What is the Difference Between Dentists and Odontologists?

Dentists and odontologists are both professionals in the field of dentistry, but they have distinct roles and...

Advocating for Victims' Rights in Forensic Cases: A Comprehensive Guide

Advocating for Victims' Rights in Forensic Cases: A Comprehensive Guide

The National Center for Victims of Crime is an official website of the United States government, providing victims of...

Unveiling the Role of X-Rays in Forensic Odontology

Unveiling the Role of X-Rays in Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the application of dental knowledge to legal...

How long does it take to be a forensic odontologist?

How long does it take to be a forensic odontologist?

The curriculum of the two-year master's program is designed to provide dentists interested in forensic medicine with the...

Unveiling the Objectives of Forensic Odontology

Unveiling the Objectives of Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on the identification of deceased individuals. This...

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Odontology

Forensic odontology is a branch of forensic science that uses dental records and techniques to identify victims of crime. ...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Forensic Dentistry

Unlocking the Mysteries of Forensic Dentistry

Forensic dentistry is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the proper management and examination of dental...